Investigating Corporate Responsibility
Posted By: Helen Friday 21st June 2019 Tags: business, Business Development, business support, company ethics, Corporate Responsibility, IT consultancy, it support, stockton, Teesside
Today we are looking at Corporate Responsibility and would like to encourage you to investigate your company efforts. At LaneSystems we work with businesses across Teesside and Newcastle. Corporate Responsibility begins at home and for us, stretches across the North East.
What exactly is Corporate Responsibility?
Quite simply, this refers to how a company takes responsibility for its behaviour and impact on employees, stakeholders and communities. It also encompasses the following:
- The execution and conductivity of business
- Management of carbon footprint
- Treatment of employees
- Support in the community surrounding social issues including poverty & discrimination
Charity Donations
Many companies donate to both local and national charities. In one of our recent blog posts we wrote about the fundraiser we’re carrying out for Zoe’s Place in Middlesbrough. Whilst this is commendable, it doesn’t quite reach Corporate Responsibility in its entirety. The real crux of the matter requires management teams to make sure every team member is accountable for their work-related actions. Behaviour is required to be ethical across all industries and this needs to filter through to clients and investors.
Why should we adopt Corporate Responsibility?
It’s important to understand that Corporate Responsibility does cost money. It involves time our of the working day and will often involve additional purchasing. Through being proactive a company will begin to stand out to potential employees. The right calibre of people become keen to apply for roles and high staff turnovers will reduce. It’s also a wonderful way of standing out from the competition. Of course, you do have to shout about what you are doing.
Where’s the best place to begin?
As with everything in business, strategy is at the forefront. Here are 5 points to help you on your way:
Code of Ethics
This is the best place to start and everyone who reads this will know instantly where a company stands. Highlight how you expect employees to behave and be ensure to include ethics, values, environment, diversity, respect and customer service. If you want to really stand out, add a commitment to social and environmental change.
Speak to Existing Suppliers
In order to meet your code of ethics, suppliers should be covertly investigated to ensure they meet expectations. Investigate past behaviour and ‘have the discussion’ in terms of exactly what you expect from them. If you work with the same suppliers on a regular basis then it’s likely you already hold similar ethics. However, it’s always good to check.
Play it Smart
Begin by assessing local causes that will benefit from the industry you work in. For example, here at LaneSystems, we donated computer equipment to MAIN, a charity providing support, advice, guidance, events and a place for children and adults with autism to attend. The computers we sent across have been set up by our technicians and allows service users to get online when attending. We enjoy giving something back to our local community and feel this perfectly highlights our values and ethics.
Share what you Do
If you make a donation, hand deliver it. Ask for a picture then share across social media. The charity or service you have donated to is likely to do the same in return and this means your company gains additional exposure of exactly the right kind. It’s also a good idea to write a blog about how you have helped a charity. Link out to their website and social media and encourage other companies to investigate how they can possibly help.
Health and Safety in the Workplace
Ok, so this should really go without saying but deserves a mention. Corporate Responsibility includes how your company takes care of its employees. Health and Safety policies should be in place to protect team members and prevent accident and injury. You will also be complying with the most recent legislation.
How many of the points above can you identify with? Are you utilising Corporate Responsibility to the best of your ability? Take a step back to assess and let us know your thoughts. We will happily share your success stories.