Stress-free Cyber Essentials Plus for your business

What is Cyber Essentials?
LaneSystems now offer Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus Certification to new and existing clients. The scheme is run by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) for the UK government and is about encouraging organisations to follow good practice with information security. Areas covered include boundary firewalls and internet gateways, secure configuration, access control, malware protection and patch management. Gaining Cyber Essentials Certification not only shows customers you’re serious about protecting their data, it gives companies the chance to apply for government contracts. An expert member of our team will help you through the entire process, ensuring you receive Cyber Essentials Certification. Get in touch with LaneSystems today to discuss this further.
How Will Cyber Essentials Benefit Me?
Consider Cyber Essentials Plus as an extension of Cyber Essentials. Certification requires everything included in the above alongside a hands-on technical verification. Our team will discuss which certification is the best for you and your company. Either way, undergoing Cyber Essentials means you’ll have a crystal clear picture of cyber security levels within your organisation. Without adequate protection you are, unfortunately, easy pickings for hackers and those looking to potentially ruin your business via acts of cyber crime.

No Hassle, No Fuss. Just Professional Cyber Essentials Plus.
Cutting Costs
Choose LaneSystems for cost-effective Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus Certification. Our experts will guide you through the process whether you’re an existing client or would simply like this as a one-off service.
Always Available
We’re available to help you meet compliance targets and with over 25 years of industry experience you can rely on us. Our service ensures a quick, pain free path to the desired Cyber Essentials pass.
Tailored Solutions
Cyber Essentials Certification needs to be right for you and with this in mind we have tailored our offering accordingly. Upon enquiry we’ll talk you through the entire process leaving no stone unturned.
Growth Potential
Displaying Cyber Essentials Certification immediately tells clients you take cyber security seriously thus increasing client confidence. Upon completion you have the ability to apply for government contracts.
Customer Service
LaneSystems are here to support you throughout the Cyber Essentials journey by working closely alongside you. We’ll answer all your questions ensuring everything is fully transparent from the offset and beyond.
Corporate Responsibility
Passionate about our team we go above and beyond in offering additional training and resources. We make sure our employees are well informed before providing you with the services you deserve.
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