10 ways to enjoy and make the most out of summer.
Posted By: Claire Friday 9th July 2021 Tags: COVID-19, freedom, fun times, restrictions lifting, summer, the future
After the longest 18 months (and then some), we’re finally starting to see an easing of covid-19 restrictions and hopefully, we can now enjoy the summer period in a ‘normal’ fashion! Given that we have had such a long period of restriction and being unable to do so much – it’s understandable that you may be at a loss of where to start with looking for things to do but never fear, here’s a quick list of things you may like to do this summer!!
- Get outdoors: Visit your nearest beach, river, or even country park if you’re a bit more landlocked, there’s so much you can do! Gather some friends and have a little picnic/barbeque. Play some games, take a football, take a bat and ball and play rounders; have a little dip if the weathers nice enough! In our area (the North East) some lovely places to visit include Falling Foss, Hardwick Park, Scarborough South Bay Beach.
- Be a tourist in your own area: We often only tend to visit places outside of our areas and forget that our area’s have some lovely things to do and see, have a walk around your local woods, visit a nearby museum, visit a café you might not have popped into before.
- Make up some fruity cocktails/mocktails: Now we’re able to have more people in our houses/gardens, have a little garden party, get your friends and family round and find some fun in making up your own cocktail/mocktail recipes – if you need some inspo visit BBC Good Food, they’re full of lovely ideas!
- Visit a theme park: The UK has a whole host of theme/amusement parks that are fun for all of the family whether you’re a thrill seeking adult or a little tot going on their first rides – you’ll definitely be able to find something fun for the family.
- Staycations: While the travel industry IS starting to open again and certain countries are on the green lists for you to visit, as we’ve seen this can change so quickly so rather than booking a trip abroad and potentially ending up in a pickle just beforehand or even while you’re over there, why not book a little holiday here in Britain?! There are some gorgeous places to visit right on your doorstep, take in the sights of the Lake District, visit Cornwall and its beautiful beaches! Whatever you fancy, you don’t necessarily have to travel far to find it!
- Attend an outdoor event: Even before the pandemic, festivals and outdoor concerts have been a hit for the summer season but now even more so. Check out your local outdoor venues and see what’s on for you to attend!
- Get your green finger out: We all love fruit and veg, flowers and herbs but there’s nothing more rewarding than growing them in your own garden and reaping the rewards when the time is right! Pop down to your local garden centre, grab some seeds and get growing! Always a fun activity for the little ones too!
- Have a water fight: Now I know this might be more for the little ones but 100% on a lovely hot day I know even I could get on board with a couple of water balloons, whacking the water pistols out and having a run around the back garden to cool off!
- Go to your local pool/waterpark: Now I’m not sure what might be most local to you reading this but I know in our area we have the likes of Alpamare in Scarborough which has plenty for the family to enjoy!
- Find one new thing to do each week:Whether it’s something from this list or just one thing you’ve never done before like learning to ride a unicycle, juggling, making a tie-dye t-shirt… the possibilities are endless!