Home & Work Life During COVID-19 Pandemic
Posted By: Helen Friday 20th November 2020 Tags: COVID-19, Microsoft 365
Have you been sent home to work amidst COVID-19? Are you struggling to juggle home life, work, and fitness? We know exactly how you feel!
Since March 2020, Coronavirus has had a major impact on the daily lives of many people and we still don’t know when it’s going to end. Many of us are now working from home for our own safety. Unfortunately however, it’s proving a struggle balancing work whilst at home, housework and of course, keeping fit!
Maintaining your health is one of the most important factors to consider, even more so when working from home. There’s some simple exercises you could try whilst working. For example, if you sit at a desk, simply lifting your legs up and down can prevent limbs from seizing up. Neck rolls help in keeping muscles nice and loose. Keeping yourself physically healthy has a positive knock on effect to your mental wellbeing. Take a look here at some additional exercises you can try whilst working at home.

Have you heard of the 30 in 30 challenge? Our very own Business Consultant, Toni Stratton, has recently taken up this challenge. Ran by Zoe’s Baby Hospice this challenge aims to encourage people to do 30 miles in 30 days. Participants can choose to walk, run, or cycle.
In taking part, Toni is helping to raise money for Zoe’s Place who offers their services free of charge to families requiring their help. Toni achieved her goal with beautiful weekend walks and even a mini staycation. Despite working eight hour days and the winter evenings drawing in, Toni’s dedication not only helped a worthy cause, it provided her with some motivation.
We mentioned the fact Zoe’s place offers their services for free and whilst this is a blessing for families, behind the scenes, costs mount up. At LaneSystems we’re extremely passionate about helping and supporting local charities, especially considering the following (statistics have been taken directly from the Zoe’s Place website:
- £30 an hour provides respite care for a child at Zoë’s Place
- £45 provides one hour of music therapy for a child
- £100 would provide a day out for 4 children
- It costs up to £4,000 to open the hospice every day
Local charities are struggling more than ever this year due to the lack of fundraising events. Why not get motivated like Toni and set yourself a challenge? Upon completion you could make a small donation to a charity that matters to you. Should you wish to support Zoe’s Place, you can find out more about their 30 in 30 challenge, here.
Not only is it important to make sure that you keep physically healthy you need to stay mentally well too. With the outside world so intrinsic to many of us, we have to find different ways of coping in order to keep our sanity! When was the last time you spoke with old university friends? Picking up the phone or enjoying a video call could be just the right tonic!
Bringing it closer to home, if you’re feeling a lull, the chances are, friends and family are experiencing the exact same emotions. Reach out with a message to let them know you’re thinking of them. It could be just the lift they need. In addition, if you need someone to talk to, there’s a person just a phone call away. For example, MIND, (0300 123 3393) are a wonderful charity helping those struggling with mental health related issues. Nobody should have to deal with such problems alone.

Since the beginning of lockdown, our team have helped a great number of companies and their employees to work from home safely via the Hybrid Working method. Hybrid working is certainly a way of the future.
Hybrid working means you can work from home without losing access to relevant office systems. A laptop VPN connection (virtual private network) allows you to remotely access necessary files, folders and applications from a work PC, from home. With Microsoft 365 you’ll also have access to emails, word documents, presentations and more. Utilising Teams means contact with colleagues is straightforward via chat and video conferencing. Furthermore you have the ability to share files and edit them collaboratively.
Keeping physical health going has a knock on effect to mental wellbeing. Ensuring the right steps are taken to work from home keeps you sane!